Listed below are some of the most commonly used abbreviations (and their titles) in the acupuncture and Oriental medicine profession.
Professional Titles
Abbreviation | Title |
ABT | Asian Bodywork Therapist |
AcD | Acupuncture Doctor (used in Canada) |
AP | Acupuncture Physician (used in Florida) |
CA, CAc | Certified Acupuncturist |
CH | Chinese Herbalist |
CT | Clinical Technician |
DAc | Doctor of Acupuncture (used in Hawaii) |
D. Acu | Doctor of Acupuncture (used in Rhode Island) |
Dipl. ABT | Diplomate in Asian Bodywork Therapy |
Dipl. Ac. | Diplomate in Acupuncture |
Dipl. CH | Diplomate in Chinese Herbalism |
Dipl. OM | Diplomate in Oriental Medicine |
DNBAO | Diplomate, National Board of Acupuncture Orthopedics |
DAOM | Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine |
DOM | Doctor of Oriental Medicine |
DTCM, Dr. TCM | Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (used in Canada) |
FIAMA | Fellow, International Academy of Medical Acupuncture |
LAc, Lic. Ac. | Licensed Acupuncturist |
MAOM | Master, Art of Oriental Medicine |
MSOM | Master, Science of Oriental Medicine |
MTCM | Master, Traditional Chinese Medicine |
MTOM | Master, Traditional Oriental Medicine |
OMD | Oriental Medicine Doctor |
PhD | Doctor of Philosophy |
RAc, Reg. Ac. | Registered Acupuncturist (used in Pennsylvania, Colorado and Canada) |
R. TCM. H. | Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbalist (used in Canada) |
R. TCM. P. | Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (used in Canada) |
TCMD | Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor (used in Canada) |
Organizational Titles
Abbreviation | Organization |
AAMA | American Academy of Medical Acupuncture |
AAOM | American Association of Oriental Medicine |
ACAOM | Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine |
AOBTA | American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia |
CCAOM | Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine |
FAOMRA | Federation of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Regulatory Agencies |
IAMA | International Academy of Medical Acupuncture |
IVAS | International Veterinary Acupuncture Society |
NADA | National Acupuncture Detoxification Association |
NAOMA | National Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance |
NCCAOM | National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine |
NSAA | National Sports Acupuncture Association |
SAR | Society for Acupuncture Research |